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Black Wildebeest

Blue Wildebeest

Golden Wildebeest


Burchell's Zebra

The Beasts category covers the Wildebeests, Hartebeests and Zebras. There 5 sub-species of Wildebeest including the Blue and Black Wildebeest of which we hunt, 8 Hartebeests including the Red and Lichtenstein Hartebeest we hunt, and the Burchell, Cape Mountain and Hartman's Zebra of which the Burchell we hunt at Tom Miranda Hunting Safari's. 


We hunt Burchell's ( southern plains ) Zebra at Tom Miranda Hunting Safaris main camp. These Zebra are stunning specimens  to witness in the wild and despite their horse like appearance, Zebra and not tame and very cunning. It takes spot on shooting to take a zebra as they are very tough animals. It's thought that the purpose of a zebra's stripes are to detour biting insects.


The Cape Mountain Zebra is found in the mountainous regions of the southernmost tip of Africa, while his cousin the Hartman's lives in the higher elevations of Northwest Namibia. 

Mountain Zebra have a dewlap - similar (but much smaller) to an eland.


There are 5 Wildebeests found in Africa. The Blue, Black, Nyasa, White bearded and Cookson. The most commonly hunted in Southern Africa are the Blue and Black. The Blue found through-out the bush veld from Zambia & Tanzinia south across northern South Africa. The Black Wildebeest is found in the Eastern Cape and Karoo arid regions to the south.   Nyasa, Cookson and the White-bearded beasts are found in Tanzania, Kenya and bordering areas. 


The golden wildebeest and kings wildebeest are color phases of the blue and a very sought after by bow hunters.

2 Wildebeests are required for SCI Archery Animals of Africa.


The 8 hartebeests include the Red. (Cape), Coke, Jackson's, Kenyan, Neumann, Lelwel, Western and Lichtenstein. The most popular to hunt are the Red ( which we have at the Safari Camp) and the Lichtenstein found in Zambia. Hartebeest are herd animals and these 8 species range from Equatorial Africa to the Cape of Good Hope. Tom Miranda's first African species was a Red Hartebeest taken in 1998 near the Limpopo River.

2 Hartebeests are required for SCI Archery Animals of Africa.

Red Hartebeest

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