Enchanted Evenings
In the wilds of our mountain hunting concession, the skies are clear and the Milky Way brilliant. After an awesome bowhunt
It's time to relax with a glass of wine, your favorite whiskey, beer or beverage. Enjoy grilled wild game appetizers with spirited dipping sauces, grand conversations and a meal fit
for a Lion King. Unlike every other camp in Africa, Tom Miranda Bowhunting Safari evening meals include fantastic chef selections. There's no worrying if you will like what the chef has in preparation, as all guests offer their food preferences in our pre-hunt questionnaire. After dinner... chatter around the fire puts the wrappings on a perfect day in Africa.
Hot Breakfast is also an option before the hunt. Since bow hunts often are all day excursions, pack lunches include hot coffee, hot soup, and finger foods with in-season fruit, snacks and sweets. Hunters can return to camp after a successful morning hunt for a hot lunch if desired.