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Tompsons Gazelle







The ringed-horns fall into may species categories under Safari Club Internationals Awards criteria... including Sable- Roan, Oryx, Waterbuck, Lechwe, Cob, Puku, Reedbuck, Impala, Gazelles, and Damaliscs. In laymen terms, what this means is that to cover these categories some 16 different species are required for the bowhunting milestones. 



There are 4 sub-species of sable- the Southern, Royal, Roosevelt and Zambian.  . We hunt the Southern Sable, known as likely the most regal antelope of Africa. Mature sable are jet black with white markings and sport long dagger horns that curl straight back.

Across Africa there are six sub-species of Roan Antelope. We hunt the southern variety Equinus. This Roan sports long elf like ears and horns similar to a sable, yet more heavy and much shorter. The Roan is a much larger bodied animal than a sable. 

Both Sable and Roan are available at the Tom Miranda Main Lodge Concession and both are required for SCI Archery Animals of Africa.



There is considered 4 sub-species of Oryx, The Arabian and Scimitar of north Africa, the east Africa oryx and the Gemsbok or Kalahari Oryx. We hunt the gemsbok here at several satellite camps and the main camp. The Gemsbok is likely the most sought after of the ringed-horns.  Only one Oryx is required for SCI Archery Animals of Africa.



There are 5 Waterbuck subspecies, the Ringed, Crawshay-Defassa , Sing-Sing, East African Defassa and Angolan Defassa. We hunt the Ringed Waterbuck here at the main Lodge camp. The Crawshay-Defassa is found in Zambia and usually is the 2nd Waterbuck taken toward SCI's Archery Animals of Africa as 2 Waterbucks are required. 



There are 10 animals in this category which includes 5 Lechwe's.... the Common, Red, Black, Kafue Flats and Nile. There are 4 Cobs..... the White-eared, Uganda, Western and Central African. Only one Puku.  Two of these animals are required for the SCI Animals of Africa. The common Lechwe can be taken in South Africa, The Red, Black, Kafue and Nile are found in wetlands of central Africa from Northern Botswana into the Zambia & into the southern Congo and Tanzania. Puku are found in Angola, Zambia and Tanzinia. SCI requires 2 from this category toward the Archery Animals of Africa milestone.


Reedbuck include the Mountain Reedbuck, which is a smaller subspecies of  reedbuck that inhabits mountainous terrain from the Limpopo river west to Botswana and south-eastern South Africa to East London. Shy and often difficult to locate, we have these antelope naturally occurring at our main camp concession. 

The Southern Reedbuck is quite a bit larger than his mountain cousin. Found from Angola east to southern Tanzania and south thru Mozambique, Zimbabwe and the west coast of Africa. Reedbuck prefer long grassy areas with intermittent bush. 

Both Reedbucks are required for SCI Animals of Africa.



Many consider the impala Africa's "whitetail"... however their habits are more like elk in the sense of herds, harems and satellite rams. There are two subspecies of impala, the common found across eastern South Africa, Western Namibia and north across Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania and Kenya. The Black-faced impala is found in the far north of Namibia nere the Kunenne River. There are color-phase impala as well, including, white, black and saddleback. Our main Lodge concession has several nice herds of common impala as well as black impala. 



The Gazelles category includes 14 gazelles spread across Africa, 5 springboks (which we will cover separately) and  the 2 Gerenuk. Three gazelles are required to achieve the Archery Animals of Africa milestone with the most popular being the Southern Tompsons, Northern Tompsons and Grants. Gerenuk are also known as Giraffe Gazelle and found in Ethiopia and Somalia. 



This category includes a grouping of  8 animals. The Korrigum, Tiang, Topi, Tsessebe, Hunter antelope, Blesbuck, White Blesbok and Bontebok. Three animals from this grouping are required. for SCI Archery Animals of Africa. For hunters in South Africa, the 3 easiest include The Blesbok, White Blesbok and Tsessebe. The Bontebok is an amazing animal and available in South Africa, but only under special permit and is not importable to the USA. 

Tom Miranda Hunting Safaris 

1025 Honeoye Falls Five Points Rd.

Honeoye Falls, NY 14472


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Wildlife Photos Courtesy WikiMedia Commons


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